Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jeep Grand Cherokee 2000 (continued)

Another reason my Jeep is tough is because of another accident. Except this time, it was between my Jeep and a concrete road divider. For safety reasons, I will not use the actual name of the road (but, you can ask in class if you would like to). It was the morning of the delayed opening, OCC had recently. I left my home at 5:30 a.m. to drive my father to work. Of course, at that time the road wasn't clean and was still full of snow and ice. I was driving 20 mph and was following the road trails or paths left behind by the other vehicles driving, that morning. We drive onto Accident Waiting To Happen Ave. (which is a two-lane road) and then it happened. We hydroplaned or snowplaned, (I'm not sure what it's called when the car starts sliding in the snow) in the right lane and I hit the brakes as hard as I could. They say you shouldn't hit the brakes when that happens but, that thought hadn't crossed my mind at the time. I'm not even sure if that's the reason why it happened in the first place. So, I hit the brake and then the car makes a 180 turn into the left lane and slams into the road divider, on the passenger side of the car. It made such a loud, terrifying noise. Thank God, no other cars were driving at the moment it happened (after a couple of seconds though, we saw some cars coming). It was such a weird view, looking through the windshield and seeing cars drive toward us on the same-side road. We waited for the cars to pass by to pull into a nearby parking lot. We parked right there and my dad stepped out of the car. After walking around the car once, he came back inside and told me the news. Nothing happened at all. I couldn't believe, so I stepped out and checked it out, myself. He was right, there was nothing broken or cracked anywhere on the Jeep. And again, I thanked my car for saving our lives. At around 1:30 p.m., my dad and I looked at the car and noticed a scratch on the front bumper of the Jeep. I am telling you, My Jeep is BADDDDD!

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