Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Whenever I see a commercial, I do what every person who owns a tv does; I change the channel to a different more interesting program. This way I avoid useless information from getting into my head. Of course, there are time when I see a commercial or two and often wonder; if these two minute intermissions actually influence people into buying their product. For example, a Pizza Hut commercial begins and they advertise the three medium pizzas for five dollars each deal. Now, when I finish watching the commercial I don't feel the sudden urge to pick up the phone and dial the phone number of the nearest Pizza Hut building. I just simply, keep watching tv. I sometimes feel sad, that the Pizza Hut corporation spent some million dollars on a thirty second commercial trying to influence me to purchase said deal. I say I'm not influenced by commercials at all, unless they are trailers for new films coming out. But here's the twist, if a couple of friends are over my home, and we feel hungry and someone suggests Pizza Hut. I immediately mention the five dollar deal not realizing I have just been influenced by the commercial. Therefore, I am completely wrong when I believe that I can not be influenced by commercials. I now changed my belief into stating that everyone is influenced by commercials at one time or another. It may not be the moment it is shown to them, but when an event occurs involving it; they will immediately remember everything they can about the commercial and use their information to their benefit.

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