Monday, February 16, 2009

Favorite Movie

It would have to be either Leon (The Professional) starring Jean Reno or Children of Men starring Clive Owen. Most likely the movie Leon because I saw it when I was four years old and pretty much see it once a year. And it wouldn't hurt that Jean Reno is one of my favorite movie actors of all time. I'm not an actual expert critic so I can't really talk about the plot or the drama of the film. But what I can say is that the few action scenes shown throughout the movie are intense and heartstopping. But its not all about the action either. The relationship that Leon and Mathilda share is very misunderstood and interesting to watch. Even the two-faced cop that Gary Oldman plays is quite scary; making him pyschotic and angry with his dependency on drugs. I think this movie would fulfill your action and dramatic needs, along with a little romance. Now on the other had I think Children of Men was equally phenomenal in its own category. I don't think it was meant to be an action movie, but the scenes invovled are by far the most realistic and mind-blowing I have ever seen. I'm not a real fan of Clive Owen but this definitely has to be his best work ever. The whole end of the world aspect, was also very sad and conflicting to watch because I felt this could very well happen. Both these movies are my favorites, because I think both directors chose the best actors to play each character role in their movies.

1 comment:

  1. Children of Men is a great flick. If you like those types of movies, I have some I can recommend.
