Saturday, February 28, 2009

Lymphatic System

Its three principal functions are: to collect and return interstitial fluid and thus help maintain fluid balance,to defend the body against disease by producing lymphocytes, and to absorb lipids from the intestine and transport them to the blood. Such a system has to have a high intravascular pressure if the blood is to be adequately transported. This results in fluid seepage from the capillaries and it is thought that the lymphatic system originally evolved to combat this problem. Lymphatic tissue is a type of connective tissue characterised by large numbers of lymphocytes. The stroma of lymphatic tissue is a network of reticular fibres. Connective tissue cells including fibroblasts and macrophages are present.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Do you believe that violence in television programs leads to violence in our society?

No, it doesn't. Its just opens our eyes to it. People should be more aware about violence in the world. The main reason would be, because it can happen anywhere and anytime. I actually do think that some people never think about violence being done to them. They just go through areas, oblivious to the danger around them. It may not seem right to say this, but the world is a very violent and dangerous place. Not one person is safe from it. All we can do is try to be safe as possible. If anything leads to violence, it would have to be other people who act violent.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Funny Shows

I watch anything that makes me laugh. From sitcom shows like The Office and The George Lopez Show to all the reality shows on Vh1 except for Rock of Love and New York Goes to Hollywood, which is horrible. I don't even think it airs anymore. But yeah, if it makes me cry of laughter during one episode. I become a die hard fan of the series and will watch it to the end of the season. I don't watch the shows like Law & Order, The Closer, or CSI; because I find them utterly boring. I guess I rather be amused, than become more knowledgeable on law and murder cases. I always like to have a good laugh, so I watch these shows to get that. I don't know, now that I noticed what I watch on television; I feel rather limited on selection of tv channel and shows.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Heart Pumps

The sinoatrial node (SAN), located within the wall of the right atrium (RA), normally generates electrical impulses that are carried by special conducting tissue to the atrioventricular node (AVN). Upon reaching the AVN the electrical impulse is sent down conducting tissue that branches into pathways that supply the right and left ventricles. These paths are called the right bundle branch and left bundle branch. The left bundle branch further divides into two sub branches called fascicles. Electrical impulses generated in the SAN cause the right and left atria to contract first. Depolarization (heart muscle contraction caused by electrical stimulation) occurs nearly simultaneously in the right and left ventricles 1-2 tenths of a second after atrial depolarization. The entire sequence of depolarization, from beginning to end (for one heart beat), takes 2-3 tenths of a second. All heart cells, muscle and conducting tissue, are capable of generating electrical impulses that can trigger the heart to beat. Under normal circumstances all parts of the heart conducting system can conduct over 140-200 heart beats per minute. The SAN is known as the "heart's pacemaker" because electrical impulses are normally generated here. At rest the SAN usually produces 60-70 heart beats a minute. It is the SAN that increases its' rate due to stimuli such as exercise, stimulant drugs, or fever.
Should the SAN fail to produce impulses the AVN can take over. The resting rate of the AVN is slower, generating 40-60 heart beats a minute. The AVN and remaining parts of the conducting system are less capable of increasing heart rate due to stimuli previously mentioned than the SAN. Ventricular muscle cells may generate 20-30 heart beats a minute. Heart rates below 35-40 heart beats a minute for a prolonged period usually cause problems due to not enough blood flow to vital organs.

Monday, February 23, 2009


My hero is my father. Not because he saved my life or changed it; but because he has told me all his stories on his encounters and trials in life. Symbolically, each story answered a question I once asked him. In a way, he never told me what I should do in one of my conflicts. But, told me what his experience involving said conflict. And with this, I decided how to end each and every conflict I ever contended with. To understand, that there is no correct path to go through a puzzling maze. But, that you carve and shape your own path to reach your destination. This is so useful, that I wish to used this same concept on my own children. He let me be my own flawless statue; even though there are cracks and abnormalities present.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Has college made you less sure about what is right and what is wrong?

No, college has not made less sure about what is right or wrong. The only effector that is sensible, would be life experience. Although college is a life experience, it is not all of it. Everything someone would have experienced up to that point, should have already defined his/her morals. It shouldn't all be figured during the college years. You learn what is right or wrong by watching the experiences of others or participating in your own. I already know what is right or wrong. The opinions or persuasiveness of faculty and students, have no effect on my rigid morals. Only I do.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Kanye West

"Everything I'm not, made me everything I am" -Kanye West
I'm not sure if it is considered a quotation, but it is said during the song "Everything I Am" on Kanye's Graduation album. During the song he compares himself with other artists and actors, on their actions and accomplishments. And I believe, he does this to identify himself from everyone else. He speaks about what everyone else has done, and what the audience expects him to rap about. He chose not to speak on stereotypical rap topics, but on what he believes people need to hear. From the quote, I've filtered that he makes his own choices and does not duplicate the artists and actors choices in music, personal style, and life. And thats how I feel someone should identify his/herself. Of course, it is hard act on with material accessories, but that is all they are. Just accessories to your life, not you. So all things he is not or chose not do made him who he is, Kanye West

Friday, February 20, 2009


The autonomic nervous system ( ANS ) is part of the peripheral nervous system ( PNS ). It has an important function in maintaining the internal environment of the human body in a steady state. This role is vital in returning the body to a homeostatic state after trauma. As various changes occur within the environment, both internal and external, the ANS reacts by regulating such things as the Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Concentration of salts in the Blood Stream etc.
For example when the level of nutrients within the blood stream falls, the Sensory Nervous System (SeNS ) picks this up and stimulates the ANS to activate food seeking behaviour and also stimulates the digestive processes. If the body becomes dehydrated such as playing football on a very hot cloudless day the SeNS will pick up sensory information on the depletion of body fluid and the ANS will activate the mechanisms which conserve and replenish body fluids.
The ANS is also involved in many other body activities such as, waste disposal, response to stress, and sexual response. The functions of the ANS underlie the physiological aspects of coping during stress and forms a major link between the nervous system and the endocrine system during these times. The system generally works automatically without voluntary control - hence the name which comes from ancient Greek meaning 'self governing'. We do not consciously direct the rate of our heart beating nor are we normally aware of the diameter of our blood vessels or the need to stimulate our salivary glands to produce saliva. However the effects of the ANS do impinge upon our consciousness, especially at times of heightened emotion. For example most of us have experienced fear, either real or imagined, at some time in our lives and have been aware of our hearts beating faster. The increased heart rate is due to the effects of the ANS.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Heart

The purpose of the heart is to pump the blood that bathes every organ of the body. The blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, and removes waste products from the tissues. If the pumping action of the heart is disrupted, the body’s organs begin to fail very quickly. Therefore, life itself is dependent on the efficient operation of the heart. The heart has four chambers. The two ventricles (right and left) are muscular chambers that propel the blood out of the heart (the right ventricle to the lungs, and the left ventricle to all other organs). The two atria (right and left) hold the blood returning to the heart, and at just the right moment empty into the right and left ventricles. The four heart valves (tricuspid, pulmonic, mitral and aortic) keep the blood moving in the right direction through the heart.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Few Months

If my doctor told me I only had a few months to live; I don't know what I would do. Of course, the right thing to do, would be to spend time with loved ones and to help those in need. On the other hand, you could do whatever the hell you want-steal, vandalize, or even murder someone-because you are going to inevitably die. I could wrie what I would do, if it ever happened to me, but I don't think it would be truth. I think someone could write all he/she can about a controversial situation- with great supporting details and facts- but if he/she never experienced it, then how could you know it was the truth. For example, abortion. There are people who are for and against it. Each side, always has good reasons for their choice, but I am certain only few have ever found themselves in that particular predicament. Someone who is pro-abortion could say no, and someone who is against abortion could say yes. It is all about what choice you think you should make at that moment in time. So, I am going to give my most honest answer. I would tell everyone I care about to push through their problems and to take chances. Because in the end, they would have the chance to live a better life with no regrets and the knowledge that they tried their hardest. I believe I would do as such, because I have regrets; that if I did take a chance on, I know I would be living a different- possibly better- life.

This is irrelevant to the post, but I always thought this would be an interesting question to answer.
"If you had to kill the person you loved and cared about most to save the world; would you do it?"

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Whenever I see a commercial, I do what every person who owns a tv does; I change the channel to a different more interesting program. This way I avoid useless information from getting into my head. Of course, there are time when I see a commercial or two and often wonder; if these two minute intermissions actually influence people into buying their product. For example, a Pizza Hut commercial begins and they advertise the three medium pizzas for five dollars each deal. Now, when I finish watching the commercial I don't feel the sudden urge to pick up the phone and dial the phone number of the nearest Pizza Hut building. I just simply, keep watching tv. I sometimes feel sad, that the Pizza Hut corporation spent some million dollars on a thirty second commercial trying to influence me to purchase said deal. I say I'm not influenced by commercials at all, unless they are trailers for new films coming out. But here's the twist, if a couple of friends are over my home, and we feel hungry and someone suggests Pizza Hut. I immediately mention the five dollar deal not realizing I have just been influenced by the commercial. Therefore, I am completely wrong when I believe that I can not be influenced by commercials. I now changed my belief into stating that everyone is influenced by commercials at one time or another. It may not be the moment it is shown to them, but when an event occurs involving it; they will immediately remember everything they can about the commercial and use their information to their benefit.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Favorite Movie

It would have to be either Leon (The Professional) starring Jean Reno or Children of Men starring Clive Owen. Most likely the movie Leon because I saw it when I was four years old and pretty much see it once a year. And it wouldn't hurt that Jean Reno is one of my favorite movie actors of all time. I'm not an actual expert critic so I can't really talk about the plot or the drama of the film. But what I can say is that the few action scenes shown throughout the movie are intense and heartstopping. But its not all about the action either. The relationship that Leon and Mathilda share is very misunderstood and interesting to watch. Even the two-faced cop that Gary Oldman plays is quite scary; making him pyschotic and angry with his dependency on drugs. I think this movie would fulfill your action and dramatic needs, along with a little romance. Now on the other had I think Children of Men was equally phenomenal in its own category. I don't think it was meant to be an action movie, but the scenes invovled are by far the most realistic and mind-blowing I have ever seen. I'm not a real fan of Clive Owen but this definitely has to be his best work ever. The whole end of the world aspect, was also very sad and conflicting to watch because I felt this could very well happen. Both these movies are my favorites, because I think both directors chose the best actors to play each character role in their movies.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jeep Grand Cherokee 2000 (continued)

Another reason my Jeep is tough is because of another accident. Except this time, it was between my Jeep and a concrete road divider. For safety reasons, I will not use the actual name of the road (but, you can ask in class if you would like to). It was the morning of the delayed opening, OCC had recently. I left my home at 5:30 a.m. to drive my father to work. Of course, at that time the road wasn't clean and was still full of snow and ice. I was driving 20 mph and was following the road trails or paths left behind by the other vehicles driving, that morning. We drive onto Accident Waiting To Happen Ave. (which is a two-lane road) and then it happened. We hydroplaned or snowplaned, (I'm not sure what it's called when the car starts sliding in the snow) in the right lane and I hit the brakes as hard as I could. They say you shouldn't hit the brakes when that happens but, that thought hadn't crossed my mind at the time. I'm not even sure if that's the reason why it happened in the first place. So, I hit the brake and then the car makes a 180 turn into the left lane and slams into the road divider, on the passenger side of the car. It made such a loud, terrifying noise. Thank God, no other cars were driving at the moment it happened (after a couple of seconds though, we saw some cars coming). It was such a weird view, looking through the windshield and seeing cars drive toward us on the same-side road. We waited for the cars to pass by to pull into a nearby parking lot. We parked right there and my dad stepped out of the car. After walking around the car once, he came back inside and told me the news. Nothing happened at all. I couldn't believe, so I stepped out and checked it out, myself. He was right, there was nothing broken or cracked anywhere on the Jeep. And again, I thanked my car for saving our lives. At around 1:30 p.m., my dad and I looked at the car and noticed a scratch on the front bumper of the Jeep. I am telling you, My Jeep is BADDDDD!

Jeep Grand Cherokee 2000

As you can read from the title, my favorite "thing" is my Jeep. My father bought it a couple of years ago, but gave it to me as a present for my 17th birthday. My jeep is tough. Here's why...
On March 5, 2008, I was driving with my family on Route 9 South, during the night. We arrived at a stoplight next to a car dealership. I was behind a couple cars when the light turned green so, I held the brake until the car in front of me began to move. The car moves and I let go of the brake, and then out of no where a car going 65 mph hits the back of my Jeep. Inside the Jeep, my family and I heard this loud smack against the car and felt the vibrations of the impact.This Honda Civic-like car ( I don't remember what kind of car it was) actually pushed my Jeep forward about 30 feet. So I park right there, in the left lane, and in the rearview mirror I see the car that hit us with only one light shining. Seconds later, I noticed the car's horn was resounding (you know, that steady horn sound that means someone died). Right there, I started to freak out in my mind. So, my father and I leave the car and head over to her car (She was young, in her 20's, beautiful woman). We walked past the shattered, windshield, glass on the floor and stopped at the driver's side door. We saw that she was conscious and asked her if she was okay and she didn't answer. She was at a loss of words for what happened. I looked at the damage of her car and saw that her windshield was shattered, the right side of the hood was crushed in deep, and her side doors were cracked. I compared it to my Jeep and saw that there was minimal damage. My rear bumper was smashed in a little and there were small cracks around the back of my vehicle. After I took all this into account, I loved my Jeep for saving my family and I from harm and death. I thought my car was bad @$$ for not taking any damage. I also call my Jeep a man because he took it like one.

Monday, February 9, 2009

My Morning

This morning I was more than ecstatic about the grade I received in English today. To tell you the truth, I wasn't expecting it at all. At least I'm doing good in this class. My second and last class of the day was the worst. I didn't do my homework or study for the quiz we had today. I ended up receiving a 40 on my quiz. I wasn't too happy about it but, what could I do. It's my fault. Also, I have a test on three chapters next week and I don't feel too good about it. I need to get my stuff together before I start endangering my grade for that class. Oh yeah, I know it's irrelevant but, my brother got his license today! One more thing, I need to start reading or I am going to have nothing to say in our next class discussion on the book.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Man, today is the first time I slept eight hours straight in weeks. I felt energized and my family and I took out my brother to Charlie Brown's for his seventeenth birthday. I can't believe it, he's taking his driving test tomorrow to get his license. I know he's going to get it because we both are the kind of people who don't fail when it comes to important things. For example, I was the dumbest and laziest kid in my Bio-130 and HEHp-225 class last semester. And I was on the brink of failing both classes because, I was failing tests and not completing homework assignments. But, I knew I promised my father to not fail in any of my classes so, in the last month I worked my a$$ off to get a C+ in both classes. The funny thing is I was pissed at my teachers for not giving me a B. I'm such a jerk.